Please apply for your Commercial Building permit using the information below.
Ensure you have all of the following items as applicable to submit for an accessory structure permit.
You will need to upload the following documents with your permit application:(City Building Inspection Department may request additional information if necessary)
***Drawings must be drawn to scale, dimensioned and of sufficient clarity.
City is not responsible for compliance with Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation Architectural Barriers (if over $50,000 value) and Asbestos Report or declaration (if remodel or demolition).
You will upload all of the above documents after completing the registration on the permit portal as described to the right.
Using the portal button below, please follow the steps below for accessory structure permit.
Click Commercial --> Next Step
Click New Construction OR Renovation
--> Next Step
--> Next Step ---> Create Project
* Fees will be added once a permit is received if they are not automatically calculated and will need to be paid before plans are sent to plan review.
At this time, you need to submit the required documents
Click Review Project
Click First Review
Click Upload Documents for Review.
Upload all documents listed in the required documents listed to the left.