The Municipal Court provides the city with enforcement of Class C misdemeanor offenses and ordinance violations occurring within the city limits. A Class “C” Misdemeanor is the lowest level criminal offense in the state of Texas.
Court Personnel can assist with options and rights in municipal court; however, court clerks are NOT attorneys and cannot give legal advice.
The Honorable Judge Jim Minter
Ashley Saenz
Brittany Mayhue
To request a court date, complete the request form that is located at the FORMS section of this website. The request must be received by the court before you can be scheduled for the next available docket. You will receive your court date notice either by mail or email.
Under certain conditions, you may request a to take a Driver Safety Course to keep a citation off your driving record without appearing in Court. You will have 90 days to complete the course, obtain all the necessary documentation, and return those items to the office in order to have your citation dismissed. During this time, you cannot receive any other citations. If you do not complete the course within the allocated time period, the Judge cannot extend your deadline. You will then be required to pay any remaining balance and the offense will be shown as a conviction on your driving record.
You are not eligible for the Driver Safety Course if any of the statements below pertain to you:
Request Procedures:
If making a request for the driving safety course, you must submit the following:
You may request a probationary period (Deferred Disposition) to keep a citation off your driving record without appearing in Court. The deferred disposition period will vary from 90 to 180 days according to the Judge's ruling. During the deferral period, defendants must drive and operate their vehicle without receiving another moving violation during the probationary period. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in the case being set for a show-cause hearing. The hearing will allow you the opportunity to provide proof of the emergency situation that resulted in you receiving another citation while on probation.
You are NOT eligible for the Driver Safety Course if any of the statements below pertain to you:
Request Procedures:
If making a request for the Deferred Disposition, you must submit the following:
You are NOT eligible for the Driver Safety Course if any of the statements below pertain to you: